Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing 8-RSS Feeds

I learned about RSS feeds and readers in my library science technology class and therefore have an account in Google Reader. I have not visited it in awhile so I had LOTS of new posts that I had not browsed. Some of the blogs that I was following had changed URLs so I updated those links. I could not remember why I had subscribed to some of the feeds that I did but after browsing I quickly remembered and made a mental note to myself to visit at least a couple of times a week to keep abreast of the musings that some of these great minds post to cyberspace. Gotta love Web 2.0!! Some of the blogs I follow are: Mary Ann Bell's "For Whom the Bell Told", Teri Lesesne's "Goddess of YA Literature", Doug Johnson's "Blue Skunk Blog", Information Today's "Library Stuff", and "School Library Journal Neverending Search". One of the really cool things I noticed is that the blogs from the Library2Play community I am following were automatically pulled into the reader.
Feed readers are necessary if for no other reason than time management; one can easily browse the subscription list, read the post or newsfeed of interest and continue the day; no more typing in countless web addresses and searching for content of interest!!
I can see the benefit in any classroom that follows current events; subscribe to a newsfeed of choice and tag for content-a teacher's dream!


Kelly said...

What are some of the blogs you have subscribed to?

Novella Byrd said...

I editted my original post to include the blogs that I am following.